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Sequence acid Experiment freshest or foundational techno, Minimal gritty dirty internet exquisite engineering aesthetic Rate and direction TripletTribal groovePan- latam Mid percussions. 

Potpourri, Fast short sections, let the samples map your direction for you. 

ghost in the machine” experiences where synthesizers have their own will, so to speak.

Tribal quincenera wedding mixing style,

-fast guaracha ~stable 140 bpm
-adjacent to techno but removing the main signfiers exploring / contributing more to polirhytms and ttt-riplet based beat patterns
-potpourri sectional, not being techno structurally, not going ab/ a’b’ bridge repeat but rather an ABCDE where nothing repeats and elements fold onto themselves
Potpourri very defined sense of mixing, high energy fast and party based
-gear/sequential/tonal and textural rather than melodic or harmonic
-resonances/big distro/ fx and techniques
-do press where its only focused on music/this dicourse

main themes,Fast short sections, mash up plunderphonics, transnationalism, Instead of cities it’ll be the genres / scenes that lead up to guaracha and my record

So it’ll be a chronicle of guaracha/ tribal via its eras- as epochs instead of genres- thou the distinct sounds and people will be featured

Velocity guaracha,Speed is just at the rate,